If you'd just like a little taste

dBSea Basic - simple, but free

We've decided to do a free version of dBSea, so you can now use all the nifty visualisations and get to grip with how the software feels.The basic version only uses simple logarithmic spreading loss to estimate sound levels, but for illustration purposes this works nicely. Below i have three examples.
The first picture illustrates nicely the principle of spreading loss differences between a line- and a point-source. in the middle is a rough estimation of a tug-boat (included in dBSea-basic) sailing around the Isle of Man. The last illustration is one of pile-driving in the Moray Firth in scotland. 

Basic means basic. All of the calculations could be done in a spreadsheet or on your favourite calculator, dBSea-basic gives you that, along with our graphics rendering platform, and integrated species weighting functions.

I give a brief introduction in the video below:

Have fun, and spread the word.
Thanks for reading!
