Into the depths

New feature in dBSea!

I was modelling the noise from a bulk cargo ship going from Liverpool to Dublin, assessing what a change in propeller speed would mean for it's noise impact on the animals in the Irish sea, when I found a new feature of dBSea. 

In the "Preferences" menu:

Find the options window "Levels Display" and set for "Single depth". 

Now you're free to see the solutions for each solved layer in the model.
I thought this was a super great way of visualising the model, so I put it in a GIF:

The solution for the different layers in the model. The depth can be seen in the "Preferences" window to the right. Click the image for larger view.
This way of visualising sound levels down through the water column makes immediate sense, and i feel I get an intuitive understanding of the soundscape (easier that interpreting 10 transects).
